Boats, we love em. Big and small, sail or power, we love em. And we are glad there is so much upholstery on all these boats!! Seats and sails, tops or covers we are at your service!
Last year we ran down to the marina to install the last couple of snaps on a camper enclosure we had just made with a new Bimini top. The owners of the 36-foot Grand Banks were leaving that day on a 2-year journey, spanning thousands of miles. Couldn’t go without the new enclosure we made for the flybridge. Such a great adventure. We are so pleased to be of service to our local mariners!
Knights Upholstery restores, repairs or replaces most any of the soft trim components on your boat. Seats and carpets are commonly done on powerboats and pontoons. Dock and mooring covers, custom fit, sewn and installed. If your boat top is ripped and faded, just call in, we will get you fitted with a new canvas top. You won’t regret it.
Clear vinyl window replacements are a great refreshment to any aging boat enclosure. Also snap and zipper repair are available rather than a whole canvas replacement. But if the canvas is past its useful life, come in and see some of new materials on our show floor in Marinette.
We have many great new marine fabrics and vinyl available. Sunbrella, Top Gun, Top Knotch, Herculite and lots more.
Dock side service available, or trailer it on by for an estimate. Knights Upholstery is your marine upholstery specialist!

Helm Seating

Within the last decade, we have enjoyed producing Luxury Yacht Seating and specialty components for today’s premier yacht builders. Our Custom Yacht Upholstery and Helm seats have found their way on board of hundreds of high line luxury boats. The best boats and yachts the world has to offer. “A million-dollar yacht should have a nice helm seat, a 5-million-dollar yacht should have a really nice helm seat!”
We are happy to do them both.